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Newsletter February 2023

Dear Friends of ADEC,

I hope the school year has started well for you all. Here is an update from the committee of the Australasian Democratic Education Community.

2022 ADEC Conference

For the first time in three years we were able to have an in-person gathering of Australasia’s Democratic Education Community at a wonderful conference hosted by long-time ADEC member Peregrine School in Tasmania.

Our thanks go to Imogen, Belinda, Wendy and the team of adults and young people that worked hard in the weeks and months prior to the event and on the days of the conference. It was lovely to have everyone together again to enjoy the conversations and flow that are a special feature at a democratic conference.

New ADEC Committee

While we were in Tassie, we held the AGM and there is some important news to share about the Committee. We are pleased to welcome back many of the experienced committee members and there are also a few new members this year which is always important to the life of a group.

We also have a new President. Cecelia Bradley (founding and long (21-years!) serving) President has handed me the baton which I am honoured to receive. Cec has held the role of President since ADEC’s inception, and the longevity of the group is testament to her commitment and stamina to support democratic schools. Cec is willing to continue on as a regular committee member so we will still benefit from her wisdom and wealth of experience.

Thank you, Cec, for all the work you have done to ensure there is such a valuable organisation to lead into the future. I hope I can do the role justice and maintain the group’s important work within the education sector.

The ADEC Committee for 2022-23 is: Cecelia Bradley, Chris Price (Treasurer), Wendy Pettit (Secretary), Imogen Hunt, Mathilda Element, Juli Gassner, Di Scullin, Lauren Gabell, and Fiona McKenzie (President)

We had our first committee meeting at the conference and already have a few projects in the pipeline like a revamp of the website which is well underway.

Membership Fees

After a hiatus in fee collection over the last couple of years due to ADEC not being able to undertake its regular activities we are working on streamlining the process and will make all fees payable in February for each calendar year. Look out for an invoice coming your way soon.

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved with any of ADEC’s activities, have news about your school or community to share, or would like support from some experienced democratic educators, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. An organisation like this thrives on the input and energy of its members and keeping our connection active and strong enables us to know and contribute to the communities that we serve.

There is lots of other good news to share but I will save that for a newsletter which will be emailed to you on a regular basis.

Looking forward to regular and sparky conversations with you all.

Warm regards,

Fiona McKenzie President

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